B.K.S Iyengar was named by Time Magazine as one of the most influentional men of our age and is among one of the most respected yoga instructors of all time. He died August 20, 2014 at the age of 95.
Mr. Iyengar's methodology emphasizes correct alignment and the use of props to modify the postures so that even the most rigid body can benefit from yoga.
Suggested Books:
The Tree of Yoga - Monthly chapter reads in lieu of monthly sutras.
Light on Yoga, and Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are Mr. Iyengar's classic texts. They are all-encompassing.
For an easier-to-digest sampler, try Yoga the Iyengar Way by the Mehta Family.
Many other books on the Iyengar method are available at www.BKSIyengar.com